
Triclops Sights

Triclops Sight Review

  I have a serious astigmatism and normal red dot sights are an issue for me. During one of our podcast episodes we discussed products from Triclops Sights. They manufacture, what can be best described as, an analog red dot. These are iron sights that contain fiber optics.

  The front sight is tall, like a suppressor height sight. The rear sight is a rectangle that has red fiber optics at the 12, 3 and 9 o'clock positions. 

  The sights are firearm model, caliber, and eye dominant specific. They have sights for the Beretta APX, Desert Eagle in 41 Mag, VP9, Smith & Wesson M&P line, CZ75 and many more. The pulldown menu is on their website. 

  I have a Glock 19. I'm right handed and right eye dominant. I received my sights in November 2023 and had them installed immediately. My friend Nick had a sight pusher. He got these sights installed quickly for me. All that was left for me to do was install the fiber optics by sliding them into place, cutting them to size, and burning the tip to keep them in place. It was quick and easy.

  The Triclops sights work due to your eye naturally centering the green front sight between the red rear fiber optic posts. I'll take a quote from Triclops Sights website, “Geometric centering is your eye's natural ability to find the exact center of a shape. This concept incorporated in the Triclops Sight allows you to aim and acquire your target faster than traditional notch and blade sights.” This new sight picture may take effort for some to run. It is simple if you don't overthink the sight picture. It is the same principle as centering your AR15 front sight post in the center of your rear sight aperture. 

  According to the company website, the Triclops sights help you fire with both eyes open. They help you shoot more accurately, faster, and assist in increasing your situational awareness when you're shooting.

  I planned on using these sights during different types of shooting and in various conditions. I used them at indoor matches, action shooting matches, Police Combat Competition, and training classes around the country. I fired the Triclops sights under the pressure of timed competition. I feel they were faster when shooting and transitioning from target to target than regular bladed sights. Close targets got smoked quickly!  The second I saw the green front sight anywhere on the target, I squeezed the trigger. When I moved back to the 25-yard line, it was easy to stay in the center of a B27 target or IDPA targets.

  I took the Dynamic Rifle 2 class with ROC Training at the South Jersey Shooting Club on a sunny October day. While running drills, we would transition to our handgun when our carbines ran empty. These sights really popped outside. Shooting and moving, firing weak hand, and from cover I was hitting the targets effortlessly.  During one training iteration at 50 yards, these sights easily equaled, or beat, other students that had more expensive pistols equipped with red dots. Sucseffully hitting a full size IDPA steel target five times in a row.

  My reviews generally are long term reviews. I've been using Triclops Sights for 15 months. They have been used and abused in training class, competitions, and practice. They are carried as my everyday carry in the Fattac Standard Holster. It also works in the JX Tactical Fat Guy Holsters and the Hailey Strategic G-Code Incog RMR tuckable holster. These holsters all have been designed for a red dot mounted Glock 19.

  I read concerns that the Triclops sight looked large. I saw comments that it looked as large as some red dots. I had the Vortex Defender CCW Micro Dot on hand. It has the Shield RMSc footprint. At 1.6 inches long theDefender CCW is considered a small red dot. It looks huge next to the Triclops Sight.

 The Triclops Sights have held up to my use, which is to put it mildly, rough. I have not broken the fiber optics. There is a small bit of surface rust on the side of the sight that lays against me while I carry. 

  Triclops Sights are what the website says and more. I believe these sights are in a category between traditional sights and red dots. Especially if you have astigmatism like mine. Which nearly every red dot looks like a rorschach test.

  These sights allow me to see faster, and shoot accurately faster, than regular bladed sights. My scores and times in competition reflect these facts. They cost less than all but the lowest priced red dots. They don't require batteries. They are tough. These sights have been used to rack the slide during one hand manipulation drills. There's been no damage or loss of zero. I recommend these Triclops sights to anyone that has astigmatism or just wants to try an “analog red dot” sight. 

Firearms Insider Reviews - Key Points

Claim to Fame:

This product is great for people with bad astigmatism. It's also a good alternative to suppressor height sights. It's a step between traditional sights and a red dot optic. 

Target Market:

It is faster than iron sights with much less of a learning curve than red dots. It has a smaller footprint than every red dot on the market with fast sight acquisition. Triclops Sights are less expensive than every quality red dot on the market. 

Features, Benefits, and Specifications of this product 

  • Triclops Sights are for people who have problems seeing traditional sights 

  • They are an analog red dot for people that have issues with astigmatism 

  • They help shooters shoot accurately faster due to a larger sight picture and faster sight alignment 

  • Constructed from 4140 steel. 

  • Red and green fiber optic rods are included

  • Available for a bunch of different handguns

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?

Much like Henry Ford's Model T, You can have it in any color. As long as that color is black. 

What others are saying?:

"I want to thank Sean at for hooking me up with this sight system to test and evaluate. Pretty much an analog CCO and NVD capable. First 15 rounds with the sight were at 7 meters doing first round draw drills. First two were flyers b/c I wasn't using the sight correctly. I was skeptical at first but now all I can say is wow. Put the threat in the TV screen and squeeze.” - Colton Baitch

I took my small little sub compact to the range with my new Triclops sights. Started close around 7yds to get a feel for the sight. It happened quickly, around 5 shots before I was in a small ring. This was amazing as it is but what really surprised me was being able to shoot quite a long distance somewhere around 25 yards with my small little carry gun and be extremely accurate. I was also happy with how quickly I could now shoot my carry gun. I plan on trying these sights on one of my larger full size competition guns and can’t wait to see the results. So more to report later- Hope Lewellen

Link to other reviews:

Triclops Sights Review: New Sights for Old Glock

Price point:

MSRP = $119.99

Retail = Same

I need it now! Availability:

Triclops Sights

Our Rating:


  • High-quality iron sights 

  • The sights are faster to acquire than traditional sights at close range 

  • The sights are faster and easier to shoot at long range than traditional notch and blade sights 

  • They are tough. I haven't been able to break them

  • They have no batteries

  • They double as suppressor height sights 

  • Fiber optics are inexpensive and easy to replace 

  • They are easier and faster to learn and acquire a sight picture to those untrained in the use of a red dot 

  • They are easier to conceal and are less likely to snag clothing because they have a smaller footprint than every red dot on the market 


  • It looks unusual. Instructors and friends all have, initially, look at this with suspicion. 

  • It has a slight learning curve. It took a few range trips to understand how to get the most out of the product 

  • If you don't have one of the firearms models listed on their website you'll have to call the company to inquire if the sight will work on your firearm 

Score: 9.25 - Amazing

I think it's a sighting system between traditional sights and red dot optics.


On one of our recent Gun & Gear Review podcast shows, we went over the North Forest Arms Dual Picture Bullseye and Precision Glock sights. We all had some questions about how they worked. We compared them to other sights on the market that had big dots and to lever action buckhorn sights. I just couldn’t leave well enough alone so I contacted the manufacturer. It was an instant response back from them. They called me instead of emailing me asking me which sights I wanted. What color, what pistol I was putting it on and even gave me a great background on the company. So within days I had a set in hand.

After a few days I received my new sights and broke out an old Glock 23, that I had converted over to 9mm with a different barrel, spring, and extractor. The sights were easy enough to push in just like any other Glock style sights. The front post comes with several screws for mounting and the rear sight just slides in snuggly into the dovetail. I opted for the orange front with the two dot rear in green.

Let’s talk about the sights themselves. The front is a big orange dot with a green tritium dot in the center. Now here is the cool part. The front sight has a post, knob, finger or wing on top. Call it what you will, but it works. The rear sight is a perfect image of the front but with a hole in the center to line up the big dot. The rear has two tritium dots that when lined up correctly will match the singular green tritium dot in the front.

Now for the cool part of this sighting system, it’s instinctive, naturally fills up in the eyes when you present the pistol. The wing on top of the front lines up with the cut out on the rear. So you have a three dot green, a big orange dot that grabs your eye and when you line up the wing in the cut out, you have a perfect sight picture. I know it sounds like a lot but it is not, it is natural and fills the eye perfectly. You can do close work and longer distances with this sight. It’s like bullseye level shooting with this sight.

I dry fired with the sights for about 30 minutes a day for about a week before I went to the range. Well I didn’t get the first shots with this system, my 15 year old daughter grabbed the gun and a handful of magazines and went to the range in the backyard. She was shooting at 25 yards and making about a 3 inch group right off the bat. After I reloaded all the magazines and set up another target, I was able to do some shooting at 7 yards and back out to 25 yards with no problems. Just line up the dots, cut outs and you’re on. I was able to double tap and transition from target to target with what felt like a natural pointing style.

So to finish up, I really think these sights are a novel idea for those who might have a hard time just being able to acquire three dot sights, or regular sights due to poor vision, glasses, or what have you. They glow in the dark, they are big enough to be quick yet built shapely enough to do precision work. I have to say I like them. Their website pictures did them no justice by just looking at them. You just had to see them in person. If you’re looking for a good set of tritium sights, the North Forest Arms just might be what you’re looking for.

Firearms Insider Reviews - 8 Key Points

Claim to Fame:

Unique Dual sight picture tritium sights

Target Market:

EDC, Hunters, Competition shooters, & Plinking

FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):

  • Tritium sights

  • Easy to see

  • Bright front orange dot

  • Unique design

  • Easy to install

  • Quick to acquire

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?

White front sight

What others are saying?:

5 out of 5 stars at NorthForestArms

I recently put a set of NFA dual picture sights on my full size 9 mm handgun. This was the 3rd set of sights I’ve put on this handgun. The original sights, then a set of tritium and fiber optic sights from a popular brand, and now these dual picture sights from NFA. I’ve gone to the range a few times with them plus used them in a Tactical Class where a course was set up with various different targets with various scenarios. Once I adjusted to the new sights and how to line them up for either quick or precise target acquisition/shooting I could immediately see a difference in my aim, groupings, and how much faster I could line my sight up to the target from a low ready position and then get the shot off. Very impressed with these sights and can’t wait till they come out with sights for my other handguns.

Link to other reviews:

RTT : Guns & Gear on YouTube

Price point:

MSRP = $149.95

Retail = same

I need it now! Availability:

North Forest Arms

Our Rating:


  • Rugged

  • Great construction

  • Good quality


  • I really could not come up with any

Score: 7.00 Good

XS Sights DIY sight pusher

 I have always needed a sight pusher to install handgun iron sights. The old brass punch and hammer system was getting old. When XS Sights told me they were coming out with some sight pushers, I was all in. XS came out with two different styles, both for Glock style pistol slides. They are the “DIY” and the “Gunsmith” version. The DIY sight pusher is what I received. It’s a no frills sight pusher, but gets the job done with ease.

  XS DIY sight pusher is a convenient way to install Glock sights. It also works to remove the old ones. The DIY sight pusher isn’t very large at all, it fit’s on a workbench or table top with ease. It’s under 6” long and 2” wide. The size makes it super convenient for throwing in your range bag. That way if you need to adjust your sight at the range, it’s really easy to do so. The pusher tool has a screw on the end which is used to push on a brass piece using the provided allen wrench. This brass piece is what pushes the sight in. Then there is an open channel where your pistol slide fits. Also included is a plastic wedge to hold the slide up tight against the tool. A Glock style front sight tool is also included. 

  A cool thing about these XS sight pushers is that you can also get them in a kit. The XS kit includes the sight pusher and a set of XS R3D night sights. This is actually the kit they sent out. The R3D’s are not a tall sight, so they are not for use with red dots or suppressors. So I rounded up a normal slide and went to work installing them. The R3D front sight has an orange ring around a tritium insert. The rear is blacked out with just 2 tritium dots on both sides of the notch. This gives you a 3 dot sight picture in low light and a very fast regular sight picture under normal conditions. I can’t say enough good things about the XS tritium sights.

  I was really impressed with how the DIY sight pusher worked. I took my slide, set it up against the pusher surface. Lining up the sight with the center of the brass pusher piece. I slid in the plastic wedge until it was snug. Then took the allen wrench and started turning the screw. Put some oil on the screw threads before each use so it won’t bind up. The old sight pushed out with ease. So I backed the screw back out and removed the slide. I then took the new R3D rear sight, pushed it into the dovetail, by hand, as far as it would go. Then re-installed the slide in the pusher as before. Turned the screw and watched the new sight push in with ease. Once the sight was visually centered, I stopped. To tell if the sight is in the center of the slide, just turn the slide around in the tool and look at the reference marks. They are on the brass pusher, as well as the frame of the pusher itself. Once the same marks line up, with the slide in the tool on both sides, you know the sight is centered. The DIY pusher also works with an optic mounted on your slide. The only difference is that you have to use the edge of the brass pusher instead of the center. 

  The XS DIY sight pusher has really good instructions. They are included as a hard copy, but are also available online. I like the hard copy because I can reference it, if needed, on my workbench, without having to pick up my phone. Being that the DIY sight pusher is an open top design, it also makes it much easier to see what is actually going on with the sight install. On a side note. Even though it is for Glock style sights and slides, I did find it to work on my Sig P320 rear sight. So it may or may not work on other handgun manufacturer slides.

  XS Sights did a pretty good job with the DIY sight pusher. I don’t think I will probably wear it out in my lifetime. If you change a lot of sights, it’s worth the money. If you change even more sights, look into the Gunsmith version for only a few bucks more. The DIY sight pusher made easy quick work out of changing sights. Go take a look at the DIY pusher over at XS Sights.

Firearms Insider Reviews - 8 Key Points

Claim to Fame:

Do It Yourself sight pusher for Glock style slides

Target Market:

Those who frequently change sights

FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):

  • Tool Life Span: 50 – 100 Installations

  • Kit includes semi-professional sight pusher and steel Glock front sight tool

  • Fits all Glock OEM and Aftermarket slides

  • Glock MOS Compatible – Install sights with optic mounted on pistol

  • Non-marring brass bit prevents scratching sights or slides

  • Built-in Centering Scale – 1/16” scale

  • Bolt Thread Pitch: 1/16” – 1.5 Bolt rotations equals 1/16” of travel

  • Weight: 1.4 lbs.

  • Sight Tool Dimensions (LxWxH): 5.5" x 1.75" x 1.5"

  • Designed and Manufactured in Fort Worth, TX

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?

Gunsmith version

What others are saying?:

Nothing found

Link to other reviews:

Shoot On 

Price point:

MSRP = $150.00 

     Bundle with XS sights = $254.99

Retail = $150.00

I need it now! Availability:

XS Sights

Our Rating:


  • Super easy to use

  • Can get as a kit with sights

  • Size makes it useful anywhere


  • Price if only doing one or two installs

  • Only for use on Glock style slides

Score: 7.50 Good

Favorite Link:  Kaiser US 

LaserMax CenterFire Laser for the Ruger LC9, LC9S, LC380, and EC9S

Written by: Rich S.

I would start by saying if you have ever been to Houston Texas in the summer, you’ll understand this more than others. Houston is a humid and oppressively hot city most of the year and a full size or even some compact carry pistols just don’t conceal well under the shorts and t-shirt required to deal with the heat. You see I am not a large fellow, so size matters (That one's for Zane). For me my sweaty summer day EDC is the Ruger ec9s micro 9mm.

I really liked this little gun; you’re not going to be knocking down prairie dogs at 50 yards, but it’ll do the job at 10-20 yards. The sights on the Ruger are milled into the slide and boast the same black color as the rest of the firearm. I can tell you that it did become apparent very quickly in a dark parking lot with a target in dark clothing that I could not pick up the front sights. As I said earlier, I like the size and have become proficient with this little guy but after this incident things needed to change.

  I sought out a few options to remedy the issue from rolling with my Sig on my hip to searching for a replacement to fill the role of “board shorts gun”. I settled on finding an option that would allow me to keep the micro 9 size and weight I like so much but allow me to easily acquire a target in an off platform firing position. What I found was the LaserMax CenterFire.

This product is made specifically to fit the contours of the Ruger micro line of pistols and once installed looks like a factory accessory! Its red laser has simple adjustments, is easy to install and has an ergonomic on/off button on each side. 

I have been using this little laser for over 18 months and have about 5,500 rounds through the gun with it attached. The Lasermax has held zero even with the beating it has taken as an everyday carry on a sometimes-sweaty dude. It’s made of a tough nylon material with an ambidextrous on/off button and fully adjustable windage and elevation. The centerfire laser weighs in at 1oz and a 4-hour battery life and a 5-year warranty. You can buy direct from Lasermax for an MSRP or $129 or pick one up on Amazon for around $90.00 - $100.00. 

Firearms Insider Reviews - 8 Key Points

Claim to Fame:

Laser for Ruger line of pistols

Target Market:

Anyone with a Ruger LC9, LC9S, LC380, and EC9S looking to add a laser for dryfire practice or everyday carry

 FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):

  • Compact design

  • Ambidextrous on/off button

  • Fully adjustable windage and elevation

  • Rugged design 

  • Weight: 1oz

  • Dimensions:3.5”x1.5”x.75”

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?


What others are saying?:

4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon

Link to other reviews:

LaserMax CenterFire Laser (Red) CF-LC9 Review

Price point:

MSRP = $129.99

Retail = $100 on Amazon

I need it now! Availability:

LaserMax or Amazon

Our Rating:


  •  Fits like a factory installed accessory

  •  Ergonomic design

  •  Ambidextrous 

  •  Price


  •  Niche product

  •  Battery accessibility 

Score: 7.5 Good - for what it is 

 Favorite Link:  (Ruger LCP and LC9 with LaserMax Centerfire Laser  (Love the infomercial voice!) 

XS Minimalist Night Sights

  XS sights released their new Minimalist night sights a few months back. If you haven’t noticed, I am a big fan of their standard style night sights, these are no different. The new Minimalist sights are just that, minimal. The name, however, does not give the sights justice, as they are really much more than minimalist.

  XS calls these sights Minimalist because only the front sight has tritium. Tritium is the isotope that causes the dot, in the center of the sight, to glow. The rear sight does not have any tritium, it is a basic style, squared notch, rear sight. I’ll discuss the front and rear sights separately to keep things simple.

  The front sight on the XS Minimalist series is really where all the super cool stuff happens. As noted, it holds the tritium so that a dot on the front sight can glow in low, or no light. But XS also put an orange ring of photoluminescence around the tritium dot. This does two things. One, it makes for a great front sight during regular daytime. But two, because it has XS’s “Ember Glow Dot” - photoluminescent, it glows if you hit it with a flashlight. The Ember Glow Dot can also help in situations where a regular tritium only dot will wash out.

Normal - Daytime

After shining flashlight on sight - Daytime

Low Light

  The rear sight, on the XS Minimalist, is not as fancy as the front, but it still has a lot of features. The most notable, is the serrations. These are tiny lines cut horizontally on the face of the rear sight. The serrations cut down on ambient light glare, as well as flashlight glare. This makes it easier to pick up, and see, the front sight. It is also slightly angled downward to help with glare. The other end of the rear sight is squared off to aid in one handed slide manipulations. As initially noted, the rear sight is your standard square notch style.

Total darkness - front sight after “Ember Glow” charged up slightly

  The XS Minimalist sights work very well. They worked perfectly on the G43 I mounted them on. The standard post front and square rear is just how I like them. When sighting down them, there is a little bit of light between the edges of the rear and the front sight, just like I prefer. Basically, I get a really good sight picture during the day and during low light. During the day, that orange dot draws your eye straight to it, making target transitions easier, at least they were for me. During low light, you can see the tritium dot glowing green, and it’s pretty bright. Of course, in darkness, all you see is the green dot, which is why you need some sort of light to identify your target. If using a handheld light, it is really easy to light up the Ember Glow Dot, just with the spill from the light. Then you have that glow around the tritium glow, so kind of the best of both low light sighting systems. Since some sort of light is always needed, the blacked out rear doesn’t cause any sort of problem for me. If you are unsure about it, XS makes plenty of other style night sights. But let’s face it, most of our shooting is done in some sort of light. The Minimalist’s are not available in a taller version for use with red dot sights, but after all, they kind of hint to it in the name,

  Installation of the Minimalist sights is straightforward. Just push or tap out the old rear and unscrew the old front. Put some of the supplied threadlocker on both front and rear sights. Since they are made from steel, just push in the rear with a punch or sight pusher. Set the front sight in, and then tighten the screw to specification. Then wipe off the excess thread locker and let sit. Then take it to the range and go shoot.

  So if you're in the market for a simple night sight option, the XS Minimalist’s might be it. I even like them as just standard sights. The price is good, they are made in the USA, and they come with a “no questions asked” warranty. The warranty is so good, that I lost a front sight once, and they sent me a new one. So definitely go check out the XS Sights product lines. 

Firearms Insider Reviews - 8 Key Points

Claim to Fame:

Minimalist Night Sights

Target Market:

Those wanting only a tritium dot on the front sight

FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):

  • Tritium Powered Front Sight

  • Bright orange High-Contrast Front Sight

  • Ember Glow Dot - Photoluminescent dot absorb ambient light and glows in low light

  • Serrated anti-glare rear sight

  • Blacked-out Rear sight

  • Rear Sight Overhang and slight angle- Reduces rear sight glare in bright light for greater sight definition

  • Rear Sight Ledge for ease of use

  • Thread locker included

  • CNC Steel

  • Fits standard holster options

  • Made in USA

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?

None, but plenty of other Night Sight options

What others are saying?:

5 stars on Amazon

 Quality at a reasonable price

Quality Sights at a fraction of the price. These sights are the best sights I’ve seen under 100 dollars.

Link to other reviews:

Mr GunsnGear youtube

Price point:

MSRP = $59.99

Retail = $59.99 on Amazon

I need it now! Availability:

Amazon or XS sights

Our Rating:


  • Photoluminecent dot

  • Serrated rear sight

  • Squared off front, of rear sight, for easier manipulation

  • Price

  • Made in USA


  • Front sight width can be too wide for some people

  • No taller option for use with red dot sights (at least in the Minimalist version)

Score: 8.50 Great


Favorite Link:  Walker NERO

XS F8 Night Sights

  XS Sights is known for their fast acquisition Big Dot sights. XS has come out with a more conventional night sight called the F8. These F8 sights combine the fastness of the “big dot” with the sight picture of a standard sight. When they first came out about a year ago, I was on the list for a review sample.

  First thing one notices on the F8’s is the big orange dot front sight. Inside this orange ring is a green tritium dot. The orange ring makes it extremely easy to pick up the front sight with the eye. Besides the glow from the tritium, the F8’s orange dot is photoluminescent and can be “charged” up with a flashlight, or other bright light. The white glow, from charging the front sight, lasts a few minutes. I even charged the dot up when just using my handheld flashlight, while dry firing with both the light and pistol. It just happened to get enough spill over to illuminate the dot. The tritium is also very bright, but more on that later.

  The rear sight uses the standard square notch style. This pairs nicely with the front sight. XS uses what they call a “wide notch rear”. This wider notch allows for more light on each side of the post, aiding in quicker pick up of the front sight. I really like this style of system. I tend to like narrower front posts and a wider rear. The F8 rear does this, but with a wider front post. More light on each side of the front sight picture is faster for me also. The tritium is a single dot below the notch of the rear sight. This is to give a dot over dot sight picture, or figure eight, as some call it. This is where the “8” in F8 comes into play. The rear sight is also very square shaped, with a slight angled overhang on the back side. Angling the rear sight slightly helps to reduce glare in certain lighting conditions. The squared shape also gives plenty of real estate for one handed slide manipulation. Another thing that is nice about the rear sight, it is all black with only the one tritium insert.

  I installed these on an aftermarket G17 slide. Installation was straight forward enough. XS provides a front sight tool and threadlocker in the box. The front sight was a little loose in the oval hole. I would have like it tighter. So what happens when you overtighten a screw, it breaks off in the first few rounds. XS has one of the best warranties in the business. I emailed them, and a few days later a new front sight showed up. Free of charge. So I followed the instructions perfectly for the new installation. A few months later, and hundreds of rounds, at a match, the front sight breaks off again. I emailed XS and even sent a video of when the sight fell off. I offered to buy a new one, NOPE. They sent me a shipping label to send the slide in for them to install the front sight! I have had no problems with the front sight since. They get a 10/10 for customer service. Now onto the rear. I coated the dovetail with XS’s threadlocker, slid the sight in, and tightened down the 2 set screws. I was done, and it hasn’t ever moved on me.

Low light, no photoluminescence

After shining flashlight on front sight (photoluminescent glow)

  As a combined sight set, the F8’s really shine. They are slightly taller than most factory sights, which I like. But not so tall that they can be called suppressor sights. The front is 0.280” tall, and the rear is 0.300” tall. The tritium is super bright. I just love the sight picture I get. Everything needed for installation is in the package (threadlocker, sight tool, allen wrench). The height, along with the bright orange front, really does make them easy to get on target fast.

  If you hadn’t guessed by now, I like these sights. XS Sights did a fantastic job with the F8’s. If you are in the market for some night sights, or just a really good sight, definitely go check out the F8’s. The warranty is also fantastic!

Firearms Insider Reviews - 8 Key Points

Claim to Fame:

Night sights with photoluminescent front sight

Target Market:

People wanting fast, easy to see sights

FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):

  • Tritium

  • Orange color front ring around tritium

  • Glow dot front sight

  • 0.160” front sight blade width

  • Wide, square notch rear sight

  • Rear sight ledge

  • 10 year warranty

  • Figure eight sight picture

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?

Other handgun models

What others are saying?:

Imaposer on Amazon 5/5 stars

My favorite pistol sights of all time!

I absolutely LOVE these sights! I installed a set on my G19 last year. After using them a bit I decided that they were the best sights I'd even used on a defensive type handgun. Yes, they are larger than most. And for my eyes that along with the orange front sight ring makes them very fast to acquire. I've used XS Big Dots for years... since they were called Ashley Express Sights if that tells you anything. And while I always found them fast to acquire a flash sight picture with, I never felt that they offered much precision. Especially in terms of elevation. With the F8 on the other hand, I think they're just as fast. Maybe even faster since the more traditional sight picture gives me a very quick reference of elevation as well as equal light. While the Big Dot is quick to pick up, I often found myself losing time trying to get the front centered in the shallow rear trough and trying to get the front dot at just the right height above it... Just didn't work as well as the theory would suggest. For me at least.

A secondary thing that I like, other than the speed and visibility of these sights, is the rear sight. The height combined with the profile of the leading edge makes these the easiest sight I've ever used to do one handed manipulations with. I can easily run the slide on my belt, boot heel, table top, edge of a door jamb, and just about any solid surface I can press the rear sight against. And much more securely than any other I've used. Speed of acquisition and precision is obviously the primary focus of sights for me, but this is an added bonus, IMO.

This review is for the second set of these that I've purchased as since using them on the G19 I decided to put them on my new G43. And now I've considering replacing the Big Dots on a couple of other pistols, and an almost brand new set of Truglo TFX Pros on another, with these as well. Yes! I like these that much! And currently there's nothing else on the market I'd even consider buying.

Link to other reviews:


Price point:

MSRP = $142.00

Retail = $127.80 on Amazon

I need it now! Availability:

XS Sights or Amazon

Our Rating:


  • Easy to pick up front sight

  • Good sight picture

  • Sight “Glow”

  • Bright Tritium

  • Excellent Warranty

  • Everything needed is in the package (Allen wrench, loctite, front sight tool)


  • Wide front blade

  • Tritium washes out (a fault of all tritium sights)

  • Loose fit on front sight

Score: 8.5 Great

9.5 for customer service


Favorite Link:  Freedom Flag Products

Night Fision Tritium Sights

 Night Fision is a new company joining into the tritium night sight community. Their first offerings are for Glock model pistols, with other models to follow. As anyone with a Glock knows, get rid of the stock plastic sights and put on some decent ones. Well Night Fision is here to help. They graciously sent me some for review.

Almost no light

Low Light

 When I first received these, I was waiting for a slide to put them on. So I tossed them in the safe. These things could be seen glowing through the packaging. Yes, they are the brightest set of tritium sights I have seen. I ended up installing them on a GreyGhost G19 slide for the review. Even when you would consider there to be enough light to see non tritium sights, these still glow bright. Of course they are also made out of steel, as sights should be. A black nitride coating should also make them last a long time, as well as look good

 But wait, just the bright tritium inserts isn’t all they have going for them. The front sight also has a colored ring around the tritium. They call this the "Perfect Dot." This ring is available in yellow, orange, or white. I opted for the yellow. My next choice would have been orange. With these colored outer rings, one can pick up the front sight easily during the day also. And because why not, they even added daytime florescence to the color ring. The front sight is available by itself also.

 The rear sight has a few options also. As expected, you can get it in white outlined dots. Or blacked out, so just the tritium inserts. I chose the blacked out rear sight because I only want color on my front sight. One can get the rear sight with 2 options: a square notch, or a “U” notch. I chose the square notch because that’s what I am use to. Another thing to note is that the rear sight is very square on the front and back. This gives a good sight picture and the added benefit of being able to use it to rack the slide on a table, belt, etc.

 Now onto shooting these sights. It is super easy to pick up the front sight during draw and shoot. When dumping a magazine fast, same thing. Where it gets a little dicey is on farther away targets. Even though the front sight is easy to pick up, it is wider than I like for 20+ yard shooting. It measures 0.142” for me. The rear sight measures in at 0.140”. I really prefer a wider rear sight, or narrower front sight. Target transitions were also easy with the Night Fision sights. When using the sights at dusk, the tritium really pops out. The three dot system works just fine. However, the sights/gun do shoot a little lower point of impact with the three tritiums lined up. These are really a great combo day/night sight.

 The Night Fision sights are a really nice change from traditional night sights. I love the yellow front dot for daytime use. And the super bright tritium really pops out in lower light conditions. Go over and check out Night Fision, I think they will be going places in the sight business.


Firearms Insider Reviews - 8 Key Points

Claim to Fame:

Tritium Night Sights with a twist

Target Market:

Those wanting tritium sights

FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):

  • "Perfect Dot" with daytime florescence

  • Bright Tritium inserts

  • Made from 4140 steel

  • Black Nitride coating

  • Made in USA

  • Different color rings (White, Orange, or Yellow)

  • Square or "U" notch rear

What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?

White Front, Orange Front, U-notch rear, White dot rear

What others are saying?:

Keith D. @ Rainier Arms 5/5 stars

Just got em , (FAST) and they look pretty nice, definitely like the price for my spare red dot equipped G19 slide

Link to other reviews:

None found (These are pretty new)

Price point:

MSRP = $89.99

Retail = $80.10 at Rainier Arms

I need it now! Availability:

Night Fision or Rainier Arms

Our Rating:


  • Bright tritium

  • Front daytime florescence dot

  • Nitride coated

  • Price

  • Made in USA


  • Wide front post

  • Tritium dots have different point of aim

Score: 8.00 Great



Favorite Link:   Axelson Tactical