You don't have to be a mathematician to know 50 is better than 33, 17, 15, or even 10. That's the simplest reasoning you need to pick yourself up a 50 round drum magazine for your Glock pistol, Keltec Sub 2000 Glock model, or your AR15 chambered in 9mm that accepts Glock magazines. When I first learned that SGM Tactical was importing these polymer drum magazines, I had to at least get one. Luckily, they were only about $69.00 at the time. That must have been an introductory price, because lately the price for these on retail shelves has almost doubled do to demand. Who doesn't want an entire box of 9mm cartridges loaded and ready in a single magazine?
Well, those who don't like the magazine weighing down their firearm down like a brick tied to the wrist. At least it gets lighter as you shoot, sort of countering the fatigue you may start to feel holding up the additional pounds. For pistol users, the drum obviously presents a holstering issue, unless you wear suspenders. Also, loading all 50 rounds into the magazine is a longer process.... more of a sit down, and make small talk to pass the time away experience. The ratcheting lever makes it easier, and with practice you could speed up the pace quite a bit. Be aware though if you ratchet too far and carelessly drop a round in the stack improperly it can end up backward to perpendicular. All and all aside from the unconventional nature of its shape, size, and weight, what's not to love!?! Firing a 50 round volley of finger-numbing of freedom is some of the funnest and most expensive time you can have at the range.

For carbine owners who insisted on having a platform that takes advantage of the abundance and quality of Glock magazines in the world, this SGM Tactical Drum Magazine is a little black treasure. Both the Keltec Sub 2000 9mm Glock model and various AR-15 platforms that accept Glock mags are what the SGM drum was designed to shine in. The stick portion of the magazine that goes in the magwell is about the same size as a 17 round magazine, so it will fit the Sub2k well, and protrude a bit low on AR15 platforms. That may be a turn off for those who dream of Lone Wolf G9 carbines or other builds such as DDLES, but thats the nature of the beast. Any shorter and you'd be getting less rounds, to a point where the tried and true 33rd "happy stick" would be a better option.
The only other Glock compatible drum magazine on the market is the Beta C-Mag, which is twice the size and over twice the price of this drum. I would recommend finding one of these Korean made drums at a good price and at least getting one or two just for an investment, if your current state of residency allows it.
Firearms Insider Reviews – 8 Key Points
Claim to Fame: The only 50 round drum magazine available for Glocks and Firearms that accept Glock magazines.
Target Market: Glock owners, Keltec Sub-2000 owners, 9mm AR-15 owners
FNBs (Features & Benefits of this product):
- Finger lever moves the follower down and takes up tension
- 50 Rounds
- Polymer construction with steel internals
- Fits all Glock 34, 17, 19 & 26 models, all Generations
- Made in Korea (imported by SGM)
What other aesthetic options or finishes are available?: Black Only
What others are saying?:
"I received this drum mag on Saturday and I have to say, WOW! It is well-built, doesn't feel cheap and the built-in loader is great! I am very impressed with this mag. I have cycled it in my G19 and KT Sub2K with no problem. I got it from Mississippi Auto Arms for $69.99 (email flash sale), they have since gone up to $129.99 but Bud's has them for $89.99." Review
"Ive put around 500 rounds through this magazine with no issues. The quality and value of this drum magazine seems to be exceptional. You might not want to use it for military applications... but for range use, screwing around or for a truck gun, this is a good option" Military Arms Channel
Price point:
I need it now! Availability: Readily available online at Brownells or locally.
Our Rating:
- No winding
- Ratchet lever makes loading easy by taking tension off the follower
- Polymer construction makes it light as possible, still pretty rugged
- No windows for bullet count
- If bolt is not open you will damage the locking slots on the drum tower
- No steel feed lips
- No bolt hold open when empty due to roller style follower
- Made in Korea
Score: 7.0 Good
Featured FFL:
For FFL services I choose Promised Land Firearms in Toulon, IL.
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Hunter of Design